
I joke about having a sermonizer.  It changes in appearance from a race car to a ray gun.  today I was taking a cup of coffee along the river by the church when this amphibious cars when by. I said, helpfully, “I think you missed the blacktop.”  they just waved.

Well, right after that I settled on the sermon outline that looked like this.


the semon is on the Bag.

Vacation Over

sermonizerI have a running gag on Facebook about the status of the Sermonizer.  The name has it’s origins in the “transmorgifyer” in Calvin and Hobbes cartoons.  One gets inspiration in many places.  No one has seen the sermonizer.

Sermonizing is a complex process. It involves both analysis and study as well as a bit of artsy reflection on shape and form.  It is important to think of the people who will be there on Sunday, which is a constantly changing mystery.  The whole process should be started as early as possible, but usually isn’t.  It is humbling to think, “Now that one is Gone” when we get to the final song.  It is also humbling to think, “Oh, that is what I could have said!” after it is over.

All preachers should be Calvinists (not the kid with the tiger, the theologian from Geneva) when it comes to entrusting the effort we put in to the sovereignty of God.  It is a fools exercise, but then as the text says, “the foolishness of God is stronger than the strength of man.”

This preacher has advice for you who listen:  Take what you receive as the work of a servant; and pray for the preachers.